GIRL SHORTS 2015 Set A (appropriate for ages 14+)

Theatre Unbound presents: The Illuminati in Drama Libre
Written by Alice Gerstenberg
Directed by Dionne Laviolette
Featuring Lauren Diesch and Kelly Krekelberg
Two Futurist characters struggle for power in a mysterious, intimate language composed of hints and half-sentences. Colors serve as weapons and light bulbs can end relationships in Gerstenberg's satirical, yet weirdly recognizable world.

20% Theatre Company presents: Whiskeytown Written by Seraphina Nova
Directed by Meghan Gunderson
Featuring Libby Anderson and Cameron Cylkowski
Angie lives in the same small town, works the same restaurant job that she had in high school, and is supported and trapped by Cal, her high school boyfriend. Will Angie find the strength to leave everything she knows behind to venture out and begin a new life – the life she has always wanted?

Gadfly Theatre Productions presents: QUEER! Girlz
Directed by Jessi Hiemer
Featuring BethAnne Nelson, Alyssa Perau and Jada Simmons
QUEER! Girlz is a devised work inspired by Gadfly's hit show “QUEER!” examining the intersection of queer and female discrimination. Hard-hitting and humorous, the performance chronicles stories and identities all over the LGBTQIA* spectrum.